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Surgical abortion

Q. What Is A Surgical Abortion?

Surgical abortion, also known as an Procedural abortion, is a safe and effective office procedure that terminates a pregnancy. There are two types of Procedural Abortions, both of which use suction to gently remove a pregnancy from your uterus:

First-Trimester Surgical Abortion: (5 weeks - 12 weeks) If you’re still in your first trimester, as determined by ultrasound, surgical abortion is a short procedure that involves vacuum aspiration or suction curettage, also known as a D&C. This operation is performed without an incision, and you the option of choosing to receive Anesthesia for the procedure.

Second-Trimester Surgical Abortion: (13 weeks to 18 weeks) If you’re more than 13 weeks pregnant, you’re in your second trimester. Second trimester abortions are also known as a D&E. These can take 1 or 2 days to complete based on your gestation. Our office provides same-day procedural abortions up to 18 weeks. Anesthesia is available for all second trimester procedures.

Q. How Is A Second-Trimester Abortion Performed?

A second trimester surgical abortion is a two-step process that takes two days to complete. The first step, and the time in between, is necessary to prepare the body for the second step, which is the procedure itself. The first step in the process is gradually dilating your cervix over the course of several hours. The abortion itself is performed by removing the contents of your uterus with a gentle suction and medical tools. As with a first trimester surgical abortion, Monitored Anesthesia Care is recommended.

Q. How Effective Are Surgical Abortions?

Surgical abortion is 99% effective, meaning fewer than 1% of patients require a repeat procedure. At Access Health Center, you can feel secure in the knowledge that you’re under direct medical supervision during the abortion process.

Q. Why Do Women Choose A Surgical Abortion?

Women who’ve decided to terminate a pregnancy may choose surgical abortion because it’s one of the safest surgical procedures in the United States. Unlike a medication abortion, which you have at home, a surgical abortion takes place in a medical clinic with the support of nurses, doctors, and trained support staff who are there the whole time.
Surgical abortions are also much faster than a medication abortion. Once you’re fully dilated, an in-clinic abortion usually takes about five to 10 minutes; in contrast, a medication abortion may take up to 24 hours to complete. Before you choose which procedure to have, the medical team at Access Health Center will guide you through the process and gladly answer any questions you have along the way.